the other world of sport fishing

Welcome to your world of sport fishing.
The history of AWA´S brand extends to the end of nineties of 20th century. It is the result of tireless efforts of a group of sport fishing tackles manufacturers from south-east of Asia to create a common brand which would meet the trends and needs of a wide range of European customers. In the field of innovations and new trends, these manufacturers decided to extend their original OEM activities establishing a new brand which would reflect their enthusiasm for sport fishing.
Since 2002 the brand AWA`S (for several years known under its longer original name) has begun to penetrate the consciousness of the general angling public as well as to build its firm place in the European market. Among the most popular and successful product sub-brands of AWA´S could be mentioned ION POWER (monofilaments), Cutting Hook and TriBlade (hooks), and several series of fishing rods e.g. Alliance, N`Gage, Aexeon or Exel. During its existence, the brand AWA`S has tried to build an open relationship with all its customers, meet their expectations and create a long-lasting partnerships.
Our company AWA`S EUROPE Ltd., s.r.o. could not find any better location for its commercial activities than Slovakia. This country personifies a strategic place, a crossing point of both Eastern and Western European angling cultures and traditions. From this small county, we have tried to bring more or less successfully a new spirit to Europe – the spirit of honest brand which has been created by anglers for anglers. We have learned how to combine the engineering innovations with the fishing passion in order to make our customers more and more satisfied.
During our relatively short history in Europe we have set ourselves the objective to become the right brand for both young and old, beginners and experienced - to become the brand of successful people.
We are who we are - and this largely and mainly thanks to you, our customers and fans. Therefore, let us welcome you once again you in our, or better to said
-in your world of sport fishing.

© 2016 AWA´S EUROPE LTD, s.r.o.
Contact Us:
AWA´S EUROPE LTD. s. r. o.
Invoicing address: Kazanská 25, 821 06, Bratislava, Slovakia
Postal address and office: Galvaniho 2/A, 821 04 Bratislava, Slovakia
tel.: +421 2 43 637 184, e-mail: awas@awa-s.com